
Reiki is a calming, restorative energy therapy.

Reiki is a complementary therapy that uses hands hovering lightly above the body, to guide energy to promote your own healing abilities.

We’re all made up of energy, and the word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “God’s wisdom,” or “the higher power,” and “ki,” which means “life force energy”, although there is no alignment with a particular religion.

Reiki Benefits You by:

  • Helps to manage stress

  • Promotes natural healing

  • Deepens spiritual connection

  • Eases anxiety and depression

  • Creates a deeper sense of wellbeing

“I wanted to try reiki because my extreme depression was detrimental to my daily functioning. Restoration Room is beautiful and welcoming. Nicole sits with you to explain what to expect, and to ask about your expectations. I went there fully trusting of her, and I think that was the best thing for me because I usually don’t allow people to be so close.

Nicole told me she would be touching my feet in order to ground me. I felt a tingling sensation around my ankles, and it felt like she was still touching them even after she’d moved on from there. I felt grounded for the first time in years, and even now when I’m having an anxiety attack, I think about that, and imagine my feet planted firmly on the ground. I still feel the sensation.

After the session, I felt not only grounded, but euphoric, and sort of like I regained my inner strength. That’s a feeling that hasn’t left me, and it honestly helped me more than any anti-depressant ever could. I’m not sure why, but it worked for me, and I felt as if all the things blocking me had been removed.

I’m so grateful that Nicole shared her healing energy with me. It’s peaceful and loving, and maybe the only thing that’s made me feel whole in a really long time.

~Melissa M. writer and editor

Book a Reiki session with our Reiki Practitioner Nicole Vienneau here, or click the button below!

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse.  She’s been practicing, learning, and teaching holistic wellbeing strategies for years and without them, she’s lost, stressed, and has a who-gives-a-crap-attitude.

She knows that holistic strategies work and she’s found peace in her work and her life.  Through her commitment to Soul Care, Nicole has shifted from a crappy attitude to gratitude, and she’s set boundaries that bring her joy, confidence and ease, no matter what the environment.

Nicole is founder Restoration Room and is devoted to restoring mid-life women and Nurses’ Wellbeing and the prevention and mitigation of burnout through holistic modalities. 

She’s an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work to partner with women and healthcare systems who want women to THRIVE!

Email Nicole here!